An Open Letter to Ethical Vegan Rationalists, Effective Altruists, and AInotkilleveryonists

An Open Letter to Ethical Vegan Rationalists, Effective Altruists, and AInotkilleveryonists

Soon we will all be Vegan, lab meat chemically indistinguishable from meat is in sight 🥩👀
Hundreds of Vegans, and tens of thousands of omnivores have switched to a carnivore diet, with truly outstanding results, including myself. Eating 95%+ meat heals the body, adjusts weights naturally, aligns our hunger cues and systems to nutritional cues, and, I swear on the future Superintelligent AI: makes you feel great literally all the time.

The carnivore diet is particularly helpful to vegans because it allows the body to heal from the various toxins in plants, which plants evolved to poison us since they can’t flee like animals. That includes any possible allergies you may have, oxalates, and other chemical agents, but most importantly it includes inflammation, which appears to be responsible not only for pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia (commonly occurring in vegans) but also for the slow cognitive tempo and brain fog which many vegans experience. The carnivore mind is sharp as a tack, and experiences a lifted flat mood, no brain fog, a stronger level of drive (caused by a combination of cholesterol, testosterone and creatine, presumably) and it is free of depression.

Effective Altruists and AInotkilleveryonists deal with some of the world’s greatest problems every day, and can be often stressed, burned out, or otherwise live unhealthy habits in pursuit of the greater good. To not have depression, not have pain, not have brain fog, and not have an irritable mood are all extraordinarily valuable instrumental goals for productivity, anyone running on ketones and no carbs is doing a great service to themselves and their goals, whatever their goals are.

The calm, resolute demeanor of Carnivores is best conducive to social interaction, diplomacy, acquisition of power for good causes, and to navigate terrains with formidable foes, which we all have to go through on occasion.

The Numbers:
If we go extinct or another existential risk comes to pass, life can evolve on other planets leading to unimaginable quantities of wild animal suffering. Here on Earth human extinction could lead to the same outcome.

As one of the two only symbolic species in the known universe, and still cognitively superior to our counterpart GPT-4, it is our responsibility as stewards of the universe to remain at peak physiological and psychological capability, including mood, disposition, and nutrition. This cannot be presently done on a vegan diet by people with 95% of genomes, only by a few exceptions. Everyone else is self-inflicting psychological, mood, mental, disposition and physical damage by adopting a vegan way of eating. This includes you.

It is debatable whether agriculture land or pasture causes more suffering and pain, since we do not know the valence difference of different animal experiences. If the intensity of phenomenal pain is proportional to the fraction of cognition it represents, ants suffer far more than we or cows do. If the intensity of phenomenal pain is proportional to the loss in indirect fitness loss, as seems extraordinarily plausible given human suffering in the loss of relatives, then rodents and insects could be suffering tremendously more in the fields than cows are in pasture.

We are all mathematically savvy and familiar with the pareto principle of 80% of benefit from 20% of sacrifice. In the case of meat, this is more like 98% benefit to 2% sacrifice if you compare eating cows, who produce 222+kg of meat, to chickens or ducks, who produce fewer than 2kg. Cow meat also makes carnivores feel better than chicken meat, for the overwhelming majority of carnivores. I have personally raised cows as a child, milked them, fertilized them, etc… and I think most of those cows I’ve met would categorically prefer to have lived than not to have lived, if they were uplifted to Von Neumann intelligence and read the complete works of Derek Parfit, David Parce, Brian Tomasik, and Peter Singer.

Most importantly, however, we have a duty to any possible species out there in the cosmos being grounded in the terror machine of Darwinism to go there and abolish suffering, whether by changing their biology, their evolutionary process, or whatever else. For that, we need EA, AGI and rationalist vegans to be working at peak capacity.

It is truly hard to overstate the benefits of a Carnivore diet, especially for those coming from veganism. You can literally feel the nutrition, balance, and biochemical harmony it casts into your body. There are many, if not most people, who benefit from starting a vegan diet, especially a more radical raw or paleo vegan diet, this is because the food inside vegetables is so hidden behind a layer of defenses, physical (fiber) and chemical (toxins and “hormesis” lol), that your body begins to eat itself, and its self is made of meat. That’s why it feels great in the beginning, yet most vegans quit after a few years (I’ve heard mean is 7 but I’d be surprised if it was more than 4). Even vegan bodybuilders often have depleted facial musculature, if you learn to see it, you can’t unsee it. Most vegans however are either languid or chubby. The languid ones you can easily tell lack protein, and the chubby ones still suffer from oxalates, rashes, irritable moods, acne, hair loss, tooth decay and yellowing. Over 95% of vegans suffer from Vegan eyes, a depression over the eyelid, often accompanied by a pink malnourished shade, more rarely accompanied by panda eyes, dark circles around the eye. The harm veganism inflicts to the human body might be slow in comparison to straight up poison, but it is more harmful in its sequelae than many lingering diseases, perhaps comparable to long covid.

Just Eat Cows.

It is very likely that if you dedicate your time to stop factory farming, and decrease sales of chicken versus beef, that you will save far more pigs and chickens from suffering than the amount of cows you will cause pain to than if you didn’t eat cow, and you had to visit the doctor, the bathroom, and the supermarket, a lot more than you would on a nutritious carnivore diet.

Danger of emotional echo chambers

EA vegans are less prone to this than normal vegans but there is always a risk that your ingroup lost track of important information and rejects those who bring that information in. This endangers those in the ingroup because they end up making decisions based off one way of interpreting double blind studies on LDL and correlational studies on heart attack, and they never learn that those correlations don’t hold for carnivores who don’t eat bread sugar rice beer etc… and only eat meat, they also never learn that the sugar industry sponsored the studies on heart attack, or that the odds of having a second heart attack after having a first one are the same on an omni or veg diet, and that if the study was well designed (dubitable) the group with more plants lived only 5 days more. They literally spent that entire time between supermarket, cooking, feeling pain, sleeping longer to digest, and farting.

The scienticism of youth, oh what a beauty it is. I was once a young brilliant man or woman, like yourself. I believed statistics and correlational studies with the religious faith of one who believed in the algarisms past the comma in a quantum physics experiment. Now I am a scientist, and an analytic philosopher, I’ve read thousands and thousands of papers, I have a PhD in a human biological field, I’ve read a thousand books on science. I am truly one of the people in the world who knows more about the world around us, for I had 20 years to do nothing but study, talk to the world’s most brilliant people, think about science, philosophy, AGI, and bring a little brazilian dancing spirit to EA. Now I can see methodological flaws in studies on a glance, I can infer and track motivation in science in many cases, and I can distinguish wheat from chaff is many more cases than most professors. The studies favoring veganism nutritionally or health-wise are a hoax. They distort facts whether intentionally or not, and they are helping cause the obesity epidemic and other maladies occurring in the USA. Not all science is made the same, some science is better than others, but it takes 10 years to train your eyes to that, and that’s assuming your IQ is 130+, which, for you guys, is accurate.

Self-Improvement and Experimentation

You can do anything for 30 days. You are strong, young and vibrant, you’re brilliant and good, and you’re ready to tackle the world’s greatest challenges. You will do this better if you are eating a carnivore diet. That is meat, eggs, salt, possibly spices in moderation, butter. You don’t have to eat eggs. You can literally eat just ethically raised cow meat, aka, beef, and you will still experience all the benefits I mentioned above. Not only that, but you will actually experience MORE benefits from eating only meat than if you add in other carnivore foods like dairy, for most genomes.

I have tried Carnivore for 30 days, for weight loss, no immune issues, no pain, no fibromyalgia, no depression in fact a very positive baseline mood. I was not ready for the benefits (despite losing less weight than other carnivores). It truly transformed my mind and body into a different person. I am my full potential now, and I can feel it. My brain can automatically detect which macronutrient I need at a given moment, fat or protein, and which source, butter, egg, or meat, is the best source. I feel full, nourished, and truly happy, all the time. Don’t underestimate the instrumental value of feeling amazing. I guarantee that feeling amazing is totally worth it to help save the world in turbulent times. I am also more calm and secure in myself than my already very low neuroticism would prescribe. I am, in short, complete.
This way of eating was for me a diet for 30 days, but the shocking reality is that after those 30 days passed I abhor the very idea of becoming omnivore again. Why would I ever dispense with feeling this good, losing fat and gaining muscle without effort, perfect skin, and even mildly improved ADHD. I barely give a shit about the weight anymore. I am not giving this up, no matter what is on offer.
You, an ethical person who cares about crucial considerations, the future of humanity, and solving knotty problems that defy the world’s greatest minds, deserve to feel like I do.

For all these reasons, without any conflict of interest, with no other purpose than to help you feel and think your best, to heal any pain or depression and anxiety you may on occasion experience, to help you, to ineffectively altruistically help you, personally, my dear Effective Altruist colleague, I do not only ask, but beg, verily much implore that you give the full carnivore diet a chance. Eat fatty (very fatty, fattier than what you’re thinking now, there, perfect, that’s enough!) meat for one month.

Try it, other vegans who transitioned have had far more improvement than I, an omnivore, have had.

It is hard to believe, in fact I had no idea how good this was going to be. But it is true.

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