White Identity Politics Is Not The Way

White Identity Politics Is Not The Way

In this piece Bo Winegrad defends white identity, and I will do my best to destroy the piece.

“PHILO: All right. My view is that such purposeful identity activation can only be combatted by identity activation on the other side. That is, the only way to fight successfully against progressive identity politics is to promote white identity politics. They—the progressives—will blame whites for everything. If whites can’t respond collectively, then they can’t respond at all. And the left’s anti-white narratives will fill the silence, one loud cacophony of denunciation.”

This is where Bo pulls the rug and does the evil thing: Asserting without argument the only way to fight progressive identity politics is with identity politics of our own. That is obviously ridiculous and false, and shameful even.

@VivekGRamaswamy has been fighting identity politics for years, with his book Woke Inc, with his current presidential run, etc… And look at him, as South Asian as they come. Spencer favoured Yang in the 2020 cycle because he seemed to be the most pro-white candidate, certainly the only one that addressed middle class white man by name. Yang is 100% Han Taiwanse AFAICT.

What do Yang, Vivek, and all the great whites Bo cites, like Beethoven and Newton, have in common?


In humans, unlike machines, there is a massive non-orthogonality thesis. The smarter a human is, the more likely they are a moral good person. This goes for petty crime all the way to philosophical tractatus. At all rungs of the intelligence ladder, with exceptions for psychopaths and sociopaths, and unusual men, the smarter you are, the better you are as a person.

Western civilization is good, and it was created by whites, originally for whites (mostly because that’s who they knew anyway). Today, Western civilization has 3 groups. Whites of all intelligences, immigrants of high intelligence (hi I’m from Brazil, I’m white though so I guess I don’t count) and descendants of slaves. Balaji, Sundar Pichai, Venkatesh, Vivek, you would never run out of names if you tried to name all the South Asians who massively contributed to society. You’d never run out of names if you tried to name all East Asian scientists with published papers.

Current Nigerians are among the highest earning populations in the USA, and hindu’s are the highest earning religion.

In short, smart people, white or not, are benefiting from civilization, are helping civilization, and are benefiting civilization, some are even fighting for white welfare and white causes.

It is very very easy to fight woke, identity politics barbarians fighting for the “people of color” class without using white identity, Besides Vivek and Yang, Bannon, Trump, Shapiro, and countless, countless other less eminent people do it all the time. Zuby, Sowell, Larry Elders. Even among blacks, there are many people fighting identity politics. There is no need to use white identity to do so.

There are also low IQ migrants in the west, who are arguably causing harm to society, though see Brian Kaplan for a defense of immigration that I personally don’t agree with. Those migrants come mostly from Africa and the Islamic world, and have caused harm, significant harm, to the western countries they immigrated to. Islam has caused serious harm to Europe, Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey (I don’ think Turkey should count as Europe, sue me) India, etc… It is obvious to anyone with a brain that Islam is unequivocally incompatible with Western civilization. The influence of Islam must be, for survival reasons, reduced to a minimum within what is legal by every single western country, under literal penalty of death. Countries that do not do everything within their legal powers to stop Islam will see their fates become Iran, Lebanon or Isis, in the long run.

This however is a religious identity, not an ethnic one. As an example I come from one of the most diverse ethnic cities on earth, São Paulo, we have the largest Japanese population outside Japan, and in school my best friends were Russian, Polish, Syrian, Lebanese, Afro, Italian, Portuguese, Arab, Japanese, Anglo, Sepha Jewish, Ashke Jewish, Swiss and French. These people were raised with me, are great, and safe for the occasional clash between Turkish and Armenian kids in my school who were not fond of one another (but never physically altercated) we all lived not only in peace and harmony, but in profound cultural unit, at Lourenço Castanho high-school, an elite school in São Paulo, and Casa do Teatro, the major theater school for teens.

The Two best hospitals in São Paulo are Sirio-Libanes and Albert-Einstein Israelita. That is both are Levante peoples, who back in their countries, don’t love one another, as the Gaza conflict made clear.

The Subway in São Paulo, full of diversity, is sparkling clean, organized, and behaved. In spite of 20% of genes in brazil, and perhaps 15% in São Paulo city, being sub-saharan genes.

Brazil is the least racist truly multiethnic country in the world. The USA is second, Russia, Turkey, India etc… come later. The other countries were not truly multiethnic. But obviously Scandinavians are less. The point is that Brazil proves you can be non-racist, have cultural unity, and thrive (modulo people) within that framework.

Why is Brazil, especially São Paulo city, able to do all that? Historically, because the Portuguese who colonized were not averse to other races, and mixed race with the people, unlike anglos or dutch.

But that’s not the most important point. The most important point is that Brazil is a profoundly elitist, classicist, moderately aristocratic country. In Brazil, if you make it to the elite, where I was born and lived 27 years, no one cares how you got there. Intelligent, wealthy, powerful brazilians are all Brazilians, we hang out when we meet abroad, we are friends in school, we are one people, under God (well, sort of, our aristocracy is majority atheist) united. Et Pluribus Unum.

The aristocratic factor comes from the nobles of Portugal who lived in Brazil a long time with the court, and brought nobility culture to Brazil.

The USA, unfortunately, almost completely lacks class and is devoid of it. As contrapoints says, “Donald Trump is a poor person’s idea of a what a rich person is” And that’s fine, whatever, you’re the best country in the history of earth, have the best people of all races, and have been more moral and life saving than all other countries combined in history. So I’ll cut you some slack, but just because the United States of Awesome are unequivocally superior to every other country that ever existed by a factor of at least 30%.

Luckily, it does not lack meritocracy. This is the best country to ascend social class conditional on IQ, I myself and am a ultra-high-IQ individual who benefited from becoming a millionaire here, as did Vivek and his parents, Yang and his parents, Satya, Brin, Page and Balaji, not to mention the best of us, @elonmusk himself.

What can São Paulo, one of the world’s wealthiest cities, through me, teach America: Integration works, if you do it right. The first rule we got from the Portuguese because of the whole Andaluzia Reconcquista incidents is “No Islam, no budging, no negotiation, no Islam, end of story” Brazil and Portuguese speaking countries like Mosque-bulldozing-Angola were clear, “You (and your ethnic group) are welcome here, your religion is not. Choose.” forcibly converting Muslims in the early 1800s.

The result is that besides the hospital, Syrian and Lebanese people, Turkish and Persian people now populate the city of São Paulo, they were half my people in school, and no one bats an eyelid. Christian Arabs came to Brazil in droves, and now run our best hospitals, clubs, some great restaurants, soccer teams, and much more.

Rule 1: No Islam.

Rule 2: Elitism

@Cobratate said it best: “Do you think anyone cares if a billionaire is black in a meeting of billionaires?” of course not. Billionaire identity trumps ethnic and national identity, Musk, Zuck, Balaji, Brin, Buffett, Onassis, have much more in common than they have apart, as self made billionaires.

Of course if you treat all elite people as one class, racism dissolves, wokeness dissolves, “people of color identity politics” dissolves, just like “there are no feminists on a Yatch”. Evil spiteful ideologies that aim to bring others, including whites, down, don’t survive the meritocratic funnel.

As I said, my preference, with lord Russell, would be aristocracy. In the USA, that’s out. You can still do Geniocracy and Plutocracy.

A powerful multiracial elite of Geniuses or Plutocrats (or both, why not both, right?) is far better for a Nation than a monoracial one. The USA is proof of that, as is São Paulo, Singapore, Macau, Renaissance Venice, Modern Paris, Contemporary London etc…

Of course in practice that will mean whites (and Jews) will be primarily in control of things. That’s ok, that’s fine, that’s great. Whites have the best track record in history as a people. Why be sad that they are ok with helping everyone? Of course that means very few blacks will ascend the ranks, that’s also ok, but why prevent Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell of fulfilling their destiny? That’s dull. That’s kind of bigoted, actually.

Great Replacement and White natality. There is no doubt this is a global catastrophe of epic proportions and enormous amounts of resources and brain cycles must go to fixing it. The path is not to exhort white identity. Do you really think white women will fall for that? For every @EvaVlaar there are at least 100 Karens, Stacy’s, and Vickis. The problem of getting white women to choose to have 2.1 children is both important, and urgent, but only a terminally online aspie white would think the solution is white identity politics. Just look at natality in Uruguay, Iceland, Argentina, the whitest countries on earth. It is no better. That is a separate problem from white identity and west salvation. All these are true at once:

1) Western civilization is in decline, and needs to be protected to decelerate the decline, and if possible, save it.

2) Whites are diminishing as a fraction of world population, that is bad, and white women need to go back to having more babies.

3) The best way to fight identity politics and woke ideology is through meritocracy and elitism in unity as a nation, not by becoming tribal and identitarian ourselves.

The decline in the West can and should be slowed or stopped, and to do so requires:

1) No Islam

2) Elitism

3) High IQ natality, all ethnicities

4) The survival of whites

5) Getting the best people we can to help us all out, no matter what ethnic group they belong to.

This is evidenced by São Paulo, New York, London, Iceland, Argentina, Uruguay, The Reconquista, the history of Christian countries, natalism, and many, many other sources of evidence which I can’t compress in one writing. My website has a bibliography of my mind and will have a copy of this writing.

White Identity, as Richard Spencer found out, is not the way.

As to the concerns raised by Taylor and MacDonald, I have addressed them prior and will link below.

The USA is in decline, as so is the civilization that it commands and steers. This can and should be addressed, but it should be addressed with the most effective policies, and by directly tackling the issues, not with a side quest with a bad history that we have no reason to expect will in fact cause a solution, which risks only intensifying the grinding strife in which we are already absconded.

Meritocracy and “the rules” are the Way.

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